Direct Pulp Capping - Junior Dentist
10 Oct 2017 compare TheraCal with the two Giants of pulp capping materials on Citation: Dr . Nikhil Zaparde, Dr. Sachin Gunda and Dr. Anil Patil, 2017. 20 Mar 2014 For simulating direct pulp capping, dentin discs were perforated with a standard diamond bur and restorated with four different capping materials: 4 Apr 2018 Direct pulp capping involves placing therapeutic material on mechanically or trau - matically exposed pulp. The most essential requirement of 4 Oct 2016 Effective pulp-capping materials must have antibacterial properties and induce dentin bridge formation; however, many current materials do not 3 Jan 2018 Aim: To evaluate the clinical and radiographic out- comes of Portland cement (PC ) as a pulp capping agent in primary teeth pulpotomies. Material Advances in Pulp Capping Materials: A Review The procedure of pulp capping relies primarily on the ability of pulpal tissue to heal. A wide array of materials has been used for pulp capping. The aim of this article is to summarize and discuss various pulp capping materials. Keywords : Bioactive cement, Biocompatible, Dentin bridge, Pulp capping, Pulp – dentin complex, Vital pulp therapy.
Vital Pulp Therapy with New Materials for Primary Teeth ... Vital Pulp Therapy with New Materials for Primary Teeth: New Directions and Treatment Perspectives Anna B. Fuks, CD Abstract Vital pulp therapy aims to treat reversible pulpal injury and includes 2 therapeutic approaches: (1) indirect pulp treatment for deep dentinal cavities and (2) direct pulp capping or pulpotomy in cases of pulp exposure. Indi- MTA: The New Material of Choice for Pulp Capping - Oral ... Direct Pulp Capping This combination of desirable qualities makes MTA “the material of choice” for cases of pulp exposure in both primary teeth and permanent teeth13,14 (Figs. 2-4). Pulpal exposure is inevitable when excavating many large carious lesions. What is Pulp Capping|Types|How is Pulp Capping Done ...
Direct Pulp Capping With Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: An ... pulp-capping agents also have been unsuccessful in stimulating pulpal repair and healing in cases of direct carious exposures.29,30 MTA is a bioactive silicate cement that has been shown to be an effective pulp-capping material in canine models and in nonhuman pri-mates.31-33 The material is … Bio-Inductive Materials in Direct and Indirect Pulp ... A correlation of in vitro and in vivo data revealed that, currently, the most validated material for pulp capping procedures is still MTA. Despite Biodentine’s superiority in relatively easier manipulation, competitive pricing and predictable clinical outcome, more long-term clinical studies on Biodentine as a pulp capping agent are needed. Evaluation of Pulp Response to Novel Bioactive Glass Pulp ...
Dental Pulp Capping: A Literature Review
Direct pulp-capping is a method for treating exposed vital pulp with dental material to facilitate the formation of reparative dentin and to maintain vital pulp. Two types of pulp-capping materials, calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate, Recent Advances in Pulp Capping Materials: An Overview Jan 12, 2014 · Calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH) 2) was introduced to the dental profession in 1921 by Hermann and has been considered the “gold standard” of direct pulp capping materials for several decades, against which new materials should be, tested [2–4]. Pulp capping materials modulate the balance between ... Pulp capping material effects on the initial steps of inflammation in vitro. (A) Effects of materials on cytokine secretion. IL-6 and VEGF secretion by pulp fibroblasts significantly increased with both Biodentine™ and TheraCal ® conditioned media after 48 h but to a lesser extent with Biodentine™ as compared to the control as described . (B) Effects of materials on inflammatory cell (THP-1) … Current Status Of Direct Pulp-Capping Materials For ...
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- 27
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- 1929
- 1006
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- 1955
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- 1626
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