Exercise 1 An Overview of PET Reading & Writing Paper Format: Reading - 5 parts Writing - 3 parts Timing: 1 hour 30 minutes Marks: Reading – There are 35 questions and each is worth one mark. The paper represents 25% of the total marks for the whole exam. Writing - Questions 1-5 are worth one mark each.
PET SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION 1 - CL Granada Pág 1/2 PET SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION 1. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using NO MORE THAN 3 words. 1 We have a new swimming pool … PET Writing Part 1 Transformations Exercises | pdf Book ... Read online PET Writing Part 1 Transformations Exercises book pdf free download link book now. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it. This site is like a library, you could find million book here by using search box in the header. COMPLETE PET Writing Part 1 - Sentence Transformations
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully. Answer all the questions in Reading Parts 1 – 5 and Writing Parts 1 and 2. Answer only one question from 16 Jan 2017 The writing section of the Cambridge PET exam can be one of the more difficult parts. Here are some of the best tips to help you get good marks in the PET exam. Here is an exercise taken from Random Idea English blogspot that can help you see how they can be used in a Study Guide Vol.1.pdf Let's take a look at the following example of a Preliminary (PET) task answer for Writing Part 1, where 16 Nov 2019 Share on linkedin. One of the writing tasks we encounter in Cambridge Assessment English's B1 Preliminary (PET) Writing is a short message; this is Writing Part 2. Sentence transformation; Short message; Email. But in this 26 Jun 2017 PET (B1): sentence transformations strategies. Aprobar el Writing del PET Parte 1 : transformations. 26 junio Print Friendly, PDF & Email.
Cambridge English Preliminary (PET) - Writing part 1 Here are some questions about music. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the the first sentence. PET Writing Part 1 - autoenglish.org PET Writing Part 1 is NOT about writing. It is about GRAMMAR. The questions are TRANSFORMATIONS, for example changing a sentence from passive to active. PET - TRANSFORMATIONS - Ingles 1 2-2-30 - Campus Virtual ORT PET SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION EXERCISES WRITING PART 1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using no more than three words. 1 All the students in my class went to a restaurant together.----- in my class went to a restaurant together. 2 The restaurant is usually crowded because it's so good. Study 279 Terms | PET Writing Part 1:... Flashcards | Quizlet
Cambridge PET Writing Part 1 Practice – TEFL Planet
PART 1 SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (EXAM 1), WRITING ... THESE SENTENCE TRANSFORMATIONS FOR THE PET EXAM ARE A VERY IMPORTANT PREPARATION FOR THE KEY WORD SENTENCE TRANSFORMATIONS FOR THE FCE USE OF ENGLISH EXAM (PART 4) ; EXPLANATION AND SUPPORT EXERCISES (1) Maria is very unpopular. Not many people Maria. (2) They asked me if I was happy. PET Practice tests for the EFL Exams 1. You can get bored just staying at home. It just staying at home. 2. Many teenagers like to go to the disco. The disco is popular teenagers. 3. The cinema is less popular. The cinema isn't . 4. I asked "Mary, will you go to the cinema with me?" I asked Mary if to the cinema with me. 5. Fred and she were going to the cinema together. How to do KEY SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION for Cambridge … Jan 17, 2013 · This video reviews the five most important things related to the key sentence transformation exercise, and describes the things you should NOT do if you want to get a good mark on this part of the PET Writing Part 1: Sentence Transformations - PASSIVE ...